The American Numismatic Association’s (ANA) 2017 World’s Fair of Money – the most important numismatic event of the year – welcomed 8,638 people at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Aug. 1-5.

The family-friendly event featured displays by government and private mints from around the world; expansive educational programs led by notable speakers sharing their numismatic expertise; exhibits of rare treasures from private collectors and from the American Numismatic Association’s Money Museum — including Colorado Gold Rush era rarities; hundreds of dealers buying and selling coins, currency and related items in all price ranges; and major auctions by Heritage Auctions and Stack’s Bowers Galleries.

The recent discovery by David McCarthy of the first silver piece minted by the United States government in 1783 – which was on display at the show – garnered huge publicity. (Collectors can access David McCarthy’s article in the August issue of The Numismatist at

According to newly-elected ANA President Gary Adkins, “The Denver World’s Fair of Money finished strong. Most dealers shared with me that they enjoyed the show and had good business overall. And collectors were pleased with the many outstanding exhibits and educational opportunities.”

“This was undoubtedly one of the best shows we’ve ever attended,” says Ken Hallenbeck of Hallenbeck Coin Gallery. “Our retail sales to collectors were tremendous, partly because we offered a wide variety of material.”

Attendance was strongest on Saturday, Aug. 5, when 1,958 members of the public turned out for free “family-day” admission. Hundreds of young people converged into the Kids Zone, where they could see their faces on a $100,000 bill, design their own coin or note, make an elongated coin, spin a wheel for a chance to win numismatic prizes or grab some high-flying bucks inside the “Cash Cube.” ANA Education Director Rod Gillis reported that 346 kids participated in the Treasure Trivia game as they explored the bourse floor in search of answers to trivia questions. Coin Collecting 101, a free class for those interested in numismatics, was standing room only.

Complete attendance numbers for the 2017 World’s Fair of Money

Total attendance: 8,638

  • General public: 4,196
  • ANA members: 2,909
  • Table-holders/dealers: 1,420
  • Staff, volunteers and pages: 113

Total daily attendance

  • Tuesday: 2,840 (returning visitors such as table holders, staff and volunteers are counted in first-day attendance only)
  • Wednesday: 1,194
  • Thursday: 1,196
  • Friday: 1,090
  • Saturday: 2,318

Immediately following the World’s Fair of Money on Sunday, Aug. 6, the Association hosted a “Golden Day at the ANA” to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its Colorado Springs-based headquarters. Nearly 250 members converged at the ANA open house to enjoy food, fellowship, collectible souvenirs, caricatures, tours and mini-mint demonstrations.

The 2018 World’s Fair of Money will be held in Philadelphia, Aug. 14-18, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.

New ANA Board of Governors installed

The World’s Fair of Money also saw the installation of the newly elected ANA Board of Governors on Aug 4. Voting members of the Association chose a new president, Gary Adkins, and vice president, Don Kagin, as well as three new board members: Thomas Uram, John Highfill and Brian Hendelson, who join Col. Steve Ellsworth, Dr. Ralph Ross, Greg Lyon and Paul Montgomery for a two-year term. Outgoing president Jeff Garrett will serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the board. Governor Walt Ostromecki reached his term limit, and Tom Mulvaney did not seek re-election.

The American Numismatic Association is a congressionally chartered nonprofit educational organization dedicated to encouraging people to study and collect money and related items. The ANA helps its 25,000 members and the public discover and explore the world of money through its vast array of educational and outreach programs, as well as its museum, library, publications, conventions and seminars. For more information call 719-632-2646 or visit

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