Wayne Miller, whose groundbreaking books on Morgan and Peace Dollars have guided numismatists for decades, is joining a prestigious group of people who hand sign certification labels exclusively for NGC.
The label that Miller will sign features an image of his famous work, “The Morgan and Peace Dollar Textbook,” first published in 1983. Miller also wrote “An Analysis of Morgan and Peace Dollars,” first published in 1976.
Miller’s expertise and passion for the coins also resulted in a personal collection of Morgan and Peace Dollars that was widely regarded as the finest of its kind and which was sold in 1986 for a then-record $1.2 million.
“Wayne Miller is the ‘King of Silver Dollars,’” NGC Chairman and Grading Finalizer Mark Salzberg said. “He was a true visionary and recognized the rarity and value of Prooflike and Deep Prooflike silver dollars long before anyone else. His textbook was invaluable to me at the very beginning of my career, guiding me to silver dollars, especially PL and DPL ones. It is an honor to be able to work with him.”