The show in January is renowned for being the bellwether event on the numismatic calendar. With over 1500 dealers, Heritage Auctions, exhibitors and more than 15,000 of the most avid collectors, the FUN show kicks off the year on a high note. Make your plans early to attend this monumental numismatic event! The U.S. Mint and the BEP will be attending and the BEP will be bringing their BILLION DOLLAR display. The last time it was here I added it up and it was slightly over 1.5 Billion Dollars. The always popular Piedmont Gold Panners will be on site as will Dennis Boggs as Abraham Lincoln and Ray Dillard with his penny rolling machine.

Check out for more information.

Watch this video on YouTube here.

EDITORIAL NOTE: Would someone please tell the folks at CoinTelevision (David Lisot) that the voice over sounds like a television huckster more suitable for a late-night used car commerical.

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