A judge refused to lower the bond of Jason Faraj who is responsible for writing over $100,000 in bad checks to coin dealers and jewelers across several states.
Faraj was put on our radar several months ago and NCIC began gathering intelligence and tracking his activities. As reports flowed in NCIC worked closely with investigators in different states to show that Faraj was knowingly writing checks with the intent to defraud dealers. The information developed by NCIC assisted in getting additional warrants issued for Faraj.
Providing the investigator in Michigan with additional victims from NCIC’s database was a key factor in the Judge’s decision to not lower his bond due to being a flight risk.
The success in this case was due to the coordinated efforts of the Numismatic Industry, Law Enforcement, and NCIC. Working together we are making a difference in the fight against numismatic crime!!!
Doug Davis